

The 美国心脏协会 recommends choosing healthy sources of proteins. 方法如下:

  • 经常吃鱼和海鲜.
  • 包括主要来自植物的蛋白质.
  • 选择无脂和低脂乳制品.
  • 选择瘦肉和未加工的肉类和家禽.


鱼和贝类是很好的蛋白质来源. 它们还提供其他营养物质,包括 -3脂肪酸 这在其他食物中很难找到. Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of heart failure, 冠心病, cardiac arrest 和 the most common type of stroke (ischemic). 试着把这些鱼加入你的每周菜单:凤尾鱼, 鲱鱼, 鲭鱼, 黑鳕鱼, 大马哈鱼, 沙丁鱼, 蓝鳍金枪鱼, 白鱼, 条纹鲈鱼和哥伦比亚鱼.

Plant foods  also contain plenty of protein plus important vitamins, minerals 和 phytonutrients. Among the best plant-based sources of protein are 豆子。, 豌豆, 小扁豆, 坚果和一些全谷物,比如高粱. 干燥或罐装(不添加盐或低钠)豆类, 包括平托, 肾脏, 鹰嘴豆, 黑色的, 都对你有好处吗. Add 小扁豆, split 豌豆 和 黑色的-eyed 豌豆 to your shopping list, too. Plant sources of protein do not contain saturated fats 和 provide dietary fiber 和 other nutrients. Nuts, peanuts 和 soy豆子。 also contain healthy unsaturated fats.


在一般情况下, 红肉(如牛肉), 猪肉 和 lamb) have more saturated fat than skinless chicken, 鱼类和植物蛋白质. Saturated fats can raise your blood cholesterol 和 increase your risk of heart disease. 如果你吃家禽, 猪肉, 牛肉或其他肉类, 选择瘦肉, 去皮的家禽, 以及未处理的表格. 以健康的分量吃它们.  One serving of cooked meat, fish or chicken is 3 ounces.  


  • 大约一副扑克牌的大小
  • 鸡腿鸡腿或鸡大腿
  • 3/4杯鱼片
  • 2 thin slices of lean roast beef (each slice 3" x 3" x 1/4")

许多人选择不吃肉. You can get all the nutrients your body needs without eating meat. 以下是一些方法:

  • 一杯煮熟的豆子, 豌豆, 小扁豆或豆腐可以代替一份2盎司的肉, 家禽或鱼类. 
  • 两盎司花生酱相当于一盎司肉. 
  • 鸡蛋也是很好的蛋白质来源, 和 provide other sources of nutrients that benefit your health like vitamin D (which aids bone health 和 the immune system) 和 choline (which helps metabolism 和 liver function).

注意: Eating a lot of meat is not a healthy way to lose weight, especially if you have or are at risk for heart disease.


  • 早餐
    • Add 豆子。 to breakfast tacos, scrambled eggs or a vegetable omelet.
    • Replace bacon 和 sausage with low-sodium, nitrate-free turkey or veggie bacon.
    • 将无盐坚果搅拌到煮熟的麦片中 
    • 将水果混合到无脂肪、无糖的酸奶中.
  • 午餐
    • 把剩下的鸡肉或火鸡切成薄片做成三明治. 或者用在绿色蔬菜上.
    • Enjoy a bowl of bean or lentil soup with added veggies.
    • 在全麦面包上吃金枪鱼三明治. 用成熟的鳄梨代替一些蛋黄酱.
  • 晚餐
    • Grill, bake or microwave skinless chicken breasts, discarding all visible fat.
    • Sprinkle fish fillets with lemon 和 salt-free seasonings 和 bake or grill them.
    • Wrap a whole fish in aluminum foil with lemon 和 onion slices. 然后放入烤箱或烤架上.
    • Top your salad with 豆子。, nuts, fish or skinless chicken.
    • 在汤或砂锅中加入豆子.
    • 用黑豆或鹰嘴豆做豆汉堡. 


  • 干豆、豌豆和小扁豆都很便宜. Dried 小扁豆 cook quickly, while dried 豆子。 和 豌豆 require more preparation time. 选择无添加盐或低钠的罐装食品. Rinse canned 豆子。 before cooking or eating to remove excess sodium.

  • 选择富含-3脂肪酸的鱼. 低钠罐头鱼也是健康的选择.

  • Tofu, a plant-based protein, is found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.

  • Look for fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk, yogurt or cheese, or unsweetened fortified soy beverage.

  • Choose cuts of meat that have the least amount of visible fat. Buy "choice" or "select" grades of beef rather than "prime." Lean cuts of meat contain the words “round,” “loin” or “sirloin” on the package.

  • Choose lean or extra-lean ground meat (no more than 15% fat).

  • Choose poultry that has not been injected with fats or broths.

  • Minimize processed meats such as deli slices, bacon, ham, salami, sausages, hot dogs 和 jerky.

  • 寻找 心部裂纹马克 on food labels to find products that align with the 美国心脏协会’s recommendations for an overall healthy eating pattern.


  • 特色蔬菜, 全谷物, 豆子。, 豌豆, 扁豆和水果, 用更少的鱼, 低脂或脱脂乳制品, 如果需要,也可以瘦肉.

  • Flavor any type of protein well with salt-free spices 和 herbs, garlic, 和 onion.

  • 准备肉的时候, trim off visible fat or poultry skin before cooking 和 pour off the melted fat after cooking.

  • If roasting a whole chicken or turkey, remove the skin before carving 和 serving the meat. Use healthier cooking methods: bake, broil, stew 和 roast.

  • Chill meat juices after cooking so you can easily skim off the hardened fat. 然后你可以把汁液加到炖菜、汤和肉汁中.

*Some types of fish contain high levels of mercury or other environmental contaminants. 怀孕的妇女, 计划怀孕或哺乳的, 还有小孩子, 我应该检查一下这个U。.S. Food 和 Drug Administration website for the latest advisories to avoid eating contaminated fish.

马洛里布朗, a registered dietitian at the 美国心脏协会, 澄清蛋白质的记录.





