


如果你像大多数美国成年人一样, you spend most of your waking hours at work 和 struggle to fit everything else (like exercise) into your “free time.“我们在骗谁呢?? Sometimes by the end of the work day there’s little time or energy left to get active.

What if you could work out while you work, without having to carve out a big chunk of time? You can by taking little opportunities to move more throughout your day. Just because you have a desk doesn’t mean you have to sit at it for eight hours straight.

Ways to move more through the workday

  • When you take a break, move to a different room or floor, 和 stretch versus sitting in place. 
  • If you sit at a desk, make it a habit to st和 up or move every time you make or answer a phone call. March in place, or pace in a circle to keep moving. St和 up 和 walk around at least once an hour.
  • Stuck on a long call or need an energizing break? 试着哈哈的 力量及平衡练习. 你也可以试试AHA 在任何地方锻炼10分钟 or 选择适合自己的锻炼方式.
  • Keep small h和 weights or a resistance b和 at your desk for bicep curls, 侧举, 行压机和顶压机. Watch demos online to make sure you’re doing exercises correctly to avoid injury.
  • 在工作中组建一个虚拟的步行俱乐部 
    • Go for a walk at exactly the same time as your friends, but on your own. This could be motivating if you have friends who don’t live close to you.
    • Create an online chat where you can post photos 和 chat with your walking group.
    • Talk to your friends while you walk – via phone or video chat.
  • Try walking or moving for informal discussions 和 brainstorming meetings. Use a voice memo app on your phone to capture notes. You may find you’re more creative on your feet!
  • Explore your options for using a st和ing desk, treadmill desk or sit-st和 desk riser. Alternate sitting 和 st和ing throughout the day with lots of walking 和 stretching breaks.


你可能会说,"uh-uh, that would never work at my office!“但是,你可能会感到惊讶. Here are some tips to make it a little easier to transition to st和ing 和 moving more while working.

  • Wear comfortable shoes 和 clothing you can move in easily or keep a pair of sneakers at your desk.
  • Use a cushioned floor mat 和 other support to avoid foot 和 leg fatigue when st和ing.
  • Ask a coworker to be your virtual “workout- at-work” partner. Remind 和 support each other to move more throughout the day using email or calendar reminders. You’ll help keep each other accountable 和 motivated!
  • Schedule physical activity time on your work calendar — 和 treat it like an important appointment.

Is your workplace interested in getting employees more active? A worksite physical activity program 和 a culture of activity can increase productivity, 减少缺勤率, lower turnover 和 reduce health care costs. 了解更多有关 美国心脏协会’s Workplace Health Solutions.