高血压 Among Black People

的速度 高血压 among Black people in the United States is among the highest in the world.

About 55% of Black adults have 高血压, also known as hypertension. Black people also have higher rates  of more severe 高血压 than other ethnic groups 和 it develops earlier in life.

Historical 和 systemic factors play a major role in these numbers. These factors include adverse social determinants of health, the conditions in which a person is born 和 lives. The factors include lack of access to health care 和 healthy foods 和 other issues.

There is a lower rate of taking blood pressure 药物  among Black people, partly due to lack of access to those 药物 和 a distrust of the health care community based on historical discrimination.

Some 药物 also may be less effective in controlling 高血压 in some Black people. 他们可能需要两个或更多 药物 to achieve their blood pressure goal.

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Causes 和 effects of 高血压

Black people face higher rates of obesity 和 diabetes. Higher rates of these conditions increase the risk for 高血压 和 heart disease.

Uncontrolled 高血压 can lead to other conditions 和 even death. 这是一个主要的风险因素 中风, 心脏衰竭 和 肾脏疾病

Overcoming the challenges of blood pressure management

A 健康的体重, 饮食 和 体育活动 能帮助降低血压吗. But many Black people struggle with these issues because they aren’t simple.

For example, many neighborhoods lack stores that sell healthier foods. If buying affordable, nutritious food in your neighborhood is challenging, consider:

  • Canned, dried or frozen fruits 和 vegetables
  • Low-sodium, reduced-sodium or no-salt-added canned vegetables
  • Frozen vegetables that aren't seasoned or in sauces
  • Canned fruit in water, with its own juice, or light syrup
  • Canned or dried fruit with no added sugars
  • 奶粉

Areas that have lacked investment often don’t have safe places to walk, run or exercise. You don’t have to join a gym or buy your own equipment to fit in 体育活动. These low- or no-cost resources can offer access to safe places to exercise:

  • 基督教青年会
  • Community centers or senior centers
  • 公园及康乐部门
  • 宗教团体

你需要获得社会支持, 安全的环境和负担得起的价格, high-quality medical care 和 medication to manage blood pressure.

If you need help accessing care or finding transportation for medical appointments, ask your 医疗团队 for support with finding resources.

If you're having trouble paying for your medication, there are a few things you can do to get help.

  • Ask if there is a medication that costs less.
  • Check if the company that makes your medication offers 援助项目. Many drug companies have programs that provide 药物 if you are facing financial difficulties or are uninsured.
  • Look into government programs such as Medicaid or Medicare. They can help cover the cost of 药物 for eligible people. 


Video: 5 convenience store snacks that won't hurt your heart