
A Lifesaving Fifteen Minute Lesson for the Seekers

肯特和玛西娅肯特和玛西娅 never imagined a 15 minute Hands-Only 心肺复苏 class would change their lives forever.

2009年4月, Kent suggested they take the class at a Madison, Wisconsin community center because he was overweight and worried he might have a heart attack. 他想让玛西娅做好准备.

Little did he know that, within a few weeks, it would mean the difference between life and death.

在正常的一天之后, the Seekers had gone to bed when Kent woke up to the sound of Marcia making strange noises. 他轻推了她一下,以为她在打鼾. But when she didn’t respond, he knew something was wrong. 于是,他迅速拨打了911.

The 911 operator immediately diagnosed it as a heart attack and instructed Kent to begin Hands-Only 心肺复苏. Hands-Only 心肺复苏 consists of hard and fast chest compressions without mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths. Kent continued compressions for 10 minutes, until the paramedics arrived. The paramedics delivered three shocks to Marcia’s heart and she started breathing again. 但事情还没有结束.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Marcia had a stent placed in her heart through her femoral artery. Kent waited nervously for three hours, expecting the worst. When the doctor entered the waiting room and began talking about Marcia in the present tense, 肯特松了一口气.

Marcia had experienced the Widow Maker — a type of heart attack few survive. It’s caused by a blockage of the left anterior descending artery, the main artery on the front of the heart. If it hadn’t been for Kent’s quick actions, Marcia probably wouldn’t be alive today.

Marcia spent a week in the hospital and was back at work within two weeks. A few months later, she started having chest pains. Diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism — a blood clot traveled from her leg to her lungs — she was prescribed blood thinners.

Marcia’s heart attack inspired the couple to take charge of their health. They began exercising and eating healthier — losing a combined 120 pounds. 九年后, they’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle and become cheerleaders for Hands-Only 心肺复苏 and the 美国心脏协会.

今年, Kent and Marcia decided to take their commitment a step further and include the association in their will to make an even bigger impact.

“I’d like to see all 50 states on board with teaching Hands-Only 心肺复苏 in all schools,” 肯特说. “这和三个‘R’一样重要. I’d also like to see the association continue their anti-smoking advocacy.”

Marcia’s family has suffered from heart disease and Kent’s mother had cancer. In 2001, on her deathbed, she asked Kent to quit smoking. 他发誓要在六个月内戒烟. On Mother’s Day, six months to the day, he kept his promise and has not had a cigarette since.



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美国心脏协会 税务识别号: 13-5613797