阿尔弗雷多面条 - Delicious Decisions


阿尔弗雷多面条 - Delicious Decisions

Now you can have all the richness of Alfredo sauce with only a fraction of the usual sodium, 饱和脂肪, 和热量. The addition of lemon gives this dish a fresh twist.



  • 16 oz. dried, whole-grain fettuccine
  • 1/4杯 无脂牛奶 1又1/4杯 无脂牛奶,分割使用
  • 2汤匙. 中筋面粉
  • 1/4杯磨碎或切碎的 帕玛森芝士 和1 1/2汤匙. 磨碎或切碎 帕玛森芝士,分割使用
  • 1 1/2汤匙. 磨碎,切碎,或者 帕玛森芝士,分割使用
  • 2茶匙. 鲜柠檬汁
  • 1/8茶匙. 胡椒 (白色优先)
  • 2汤匙. finely snipped, fresh parsley
  • 1/4茶匙. 盐
  • 1 medium cut lemon (cut into 4 wedges, optional)


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. Prepare the pasta using the package directions, omitting the 盐. 用滤锅沥干水分. 遮盖以保暖.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together 1/4杯 milk 和 the flour until smooth. Heat a medium saucepan over medium heat. Pour the mixture into the saucepan.
  3. Whisk in the remaining 1 1/4杯s milk. 煮至沸腾. 煮15分钟, 或者直到变稠, stirring constantly with a flat spatula to keep the sauce from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Stir in 1/4杯 Parmesan 和 the lemon juice 和 胡椒.
  5. Transfer the pasta to a platter. Pour the sauce over the pasta. Sprinkle with the parsley, 盐, 和 remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons Parmesan. Garnish with the lemon wedges.


阿尔弗雷多面条 - Delicious Decisions


卡路里 235
总脂肪 2.0 g
饱和脂肪 1.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
胆固醇 3 mg
155 mg
总碳水化合物 47 g
膳食纤维 7 g
4 g
蛋白质 11 g


This recipe is reprinted with permission from 美国心脏协会 Low-Salt Cookbook, 第四版, Copyright © 2011 by the 美国心脏协会. Published by Clarkson Potter/Publishers, a division of R和om House, Inc. Available from booksellers 到处都是.
Now you can have all the richness of Alfredo sauce with only a fraction of the usual sodium, 饱和脂肪, 和热量. The addition of lemon gives this dish a fresh twist.


阿尔弗雷多面条 - Delicious Decisions
卡路里 235
总脂肪 2.0 g
饱和脂肪 1.0 g
反式脂肪 0.0 g
多不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
不饱和脂肪 0.5 g
胆固醇 3 mg
155 mg
总碳水化合物 47 g
膳食纤维 7 g
4 g
蛋白质 11 g




  • 16 oz. dried, whole-grain fettuccine
  • 1/4杯 无脂牛奶 1又1/4杯 无脂牛奶,分割使用
  • 2汤匙. 中筋面粉
  • 1/4杯磨碎或切碎的 帕玛森芝士 和1 1/2汤匙. 磨碎或切碎 帕玛森芝士,分割使用
  • 1 1/2汤匙. 磨碎,切碎,或者 帕玛森芝士,分割使用
  • 2茶匙. 鲜柠檬汁
  • 1/8茶匙. 胡椒 (白色优先)
  • 2汤匙. finely snipped, fresh parsley
  • 1/4茶匙. 盐
  • 1 medium cut lemon (cut into 4 wedges, optional)


Tip: Click on step to mark as complete.

  1. Prepare the pasta using the package directions, omitting the 盐. 用滤锅沥干水分. 遮盖以保暖.
  2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together 1/4杯 milk 和 the flour until smooth. Heat a medium saucepan over medium heat. Pour the mixture into the saucepan.
  3. Whisk in the remaining 1 1/4杯s milk. 煮至沸腾. 煮15分钟, 或者直到变稠, stirring constantly with a flat spatula to keep the sauce from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
  4. Stir in 1/4杯 Parmesan 和 the lemon juice 和 胡椒.
  5. Transfer the pasta to a platter. Pour the sauce over the pasta. Sprinkle with the parsley, 盐, 和 remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons Parmesan. Garnish with the lemon wedges.
美国心脏协会 Low-Salt Cookbook, 4th Edition

美国心脏协会 Low-Salt Cookbook, 4th Edition

In addition to the more than 200 mouthwatering, 低盐配方, the book has information on shopping 和 cooking smart, 吃好, 和 living a healthy lifestyle. The cookbook also includes resources for identifying common high-sodium foods 和 good sources of potassium as well as a blank meal tracker to log your daily sodium consumption.


Chicken with Ginger 和 Snow Peas



亚马逊 | 巴诺书店

This recipe is reprinted with permission from 美国心脏协会 Low-Salt Cookbook, 第四版, Copyright © 2011 by the 美国心脏协会. Published by Clarkson Potter/Publishers, a division of R和om House, Inc. Available from booksellers 到处都是.

美国心脏协会 recipes are developed or reviewed by nutrition experts 和 meet specific, science-based dietary guidelines 和 recipe criteria for a healthy dietary pattern.

Some recipes may be suitable for people who are managing diabetes, 高血压, heart disease 和/or other conditions or seeking low-sodium, 低脂, 低糖, low-cholesterol or low-calories recipes. However, this site 和 its services do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis 和 treatment, including your specific dietary needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care provider.

Copyright is owned or held by the American Association, Inc. (哈哈), except for recipes certified by the Heart-Check recipe certification program or otherwise indicated. 版权所有. 授予权限, at no cost 和 without need for further request, to link to or share AHA-own recipes provided that no text, ingredients or directions are altered; no substitutions are made; 和 proper attribution is made to the 美国心脏协会. 参见完整的使用条款.