


People who lost weight through an intensive behavioral weight loss program saw health benefits, 有可能,即使他们后来体重回升, 根据一项对100多项研究的新分析.

研究人员发现,与那些没有这样做的人相比, people who went through an intensive weight loss program registered better results for blood pressure, 胆固醇和糖尿病的一个指标至少五年.

Some studies have suggested that a pattern of weight loss followed by regain may increase cardiovascular risk.

Many doctors and patients fear that regaining weight renders attempts to shed pounds "pointless,苏珊·A. 该研究的资深作者之一杰布在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说. The research appeared Tuesday in the 美国心脏协会 journal 循环:心血管质量和结果. "This concept has become a barrier to offering support to people to lose weight."

但杰布, a professor of diet and population health at the University of Oxford in England, said the new work "should provide reassurance that weight loss programs are effective in controlling cardiovascular risk factors and very likely to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease."

People affected by obesity or who are overweight are at increased risk for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, 这两者都会增加患心血管疾病的风险. They also are at risk for insulin resistance, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. Behavioral weight loss programs can help people lose weight by encouraging lifestyle and behavior changes, 比如吃健康食品和增加体育锻炼.

为了进行新的分析,研究人员综合了124项研究的结果. They totaled more than 50,000 participants, with an average follow-up of 28 months. Participants had a body mass index of 33, which is considered obese, and a median age of 51.

Weight loss across the different studies ranged from 5 to 10 pounds on average, and weight regain averaged from about a quarter to three-fourths of a pound in a year.

Participants who lost weight through an intensive program were compared with people in a less-intensive or no program. 平均而言,在强化组中:


– the percentage of HbA1c, a protein in red blood cells used to test for diabetes, was reduced by 0.1年和5年分别为26岁;


“对于有超重或肥胖问题的人来说, losing weight is an effective way to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,杰布说.

在初步调查中, the decreased risk of being diagnosed with cardiovascular disease or Type 2 diabetes appeared to remain lower even after weight regain. 然而, 很少有研究跟踪研究对象超过5年, and "more information is needed to confirm whether this potential benefit persists,杰布说.

研究人员承认局限性, including that research published after 2019 was not included in the review.

An 伴随的社论 博士. Vishal N. Rao和Dr. Neha J. 杜克大学达勒姆医学院的Pagidipati说, 北卡罗莱纳, commended the work and emphasized that much remains to be understood about various weight loss interventions.

The editorial noted that behavioral weight loss programs constitute the backbone of weight management in clinical practice but often are resource-intensive, 而且新兴的药物治疗非常昂贵.

"The present study has interesting implications for the impact of weight regain that may occur after pharmacologic therapies,他们写道. "What is still unknown is whether these temporary improvements in weight and cardiometabolic risk factors after weight loss intervention (behavioral or pharmacological) lead to long-term clinical benefit. In other words, is it better to have lost and regained than never to have lost at all?"


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